Citrus, Aloe & Olive

This soap, made of aloe vera and olive oil, has an aroma of grapefruit and a very faint undertone of lemon.

For thousands of years, aloe vera was used medicinally in ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, India, and China. Aloe gel is used for its healing properties, particularly of wounds, though it also heals sunburn and other irritations. The plant can withstand droughts and high temperatures, as it stores water in its leaves. For this reason, it also has a moisturizing effect on the skin.


Olive oil is also a moisturizing agent, and together with the aloe vera, it encourages a "big bubble" lather. It also rinses off entirely, without leaving a residue.

Aroma therapists tell us that grapefruit is a detoxifier and purifier of the body, helps to clean the digestive system, and helps with headaches. The essential oils of grapefruits tend to stimulate the mind and uplift those who use it, frequently helping with depression.

Lemon is known for its cooling properties, so lemons are used to keep the body cool. It is also a blood purifier and calms bile attacks. The aroma is pleasant and is said to ground those who are in the vicinity of the fruit or essential oils.

© Michelle Anderson 2013-2014