3-Buttter Faith, Hope, Love & Lavender

Mango butter is extracted from the meat of the seeds of the mango tree and is then boiled until it is the right consistency. It has a very slight sweet aroma. It has natural emollient and wound-healing properties and affords protection from UV rays. Many dermatologists recommend the use of mango butter to decrease signs of aging, and anecdotal evidence shows that there is a marked improvement within six weeks of use. It is also soothing and healing on sunburned skin, stretch marks, and various skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema.


Shea butter is extracted from the pit of the fruit of the magnifolia tree in western and central Africa. The pits are boiled and then dried in the sun for several days and the resulting product made into butter. It contains vitamin A and vitamin E as well as cinnamic acid and helps to heal dried or cracked skin, fade the appearance of scars, and protect skin from the sun, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants.

Cocoa butter is extracted from cocoa beans and naturally has the distinct smell of chocolate. It is a natural antioxidant and is a natural source of vitamin E. The beans come from the theobromo cacao tree, which is grown in Central and South America. Cacao beans were a major currency system in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica.It offers a richer, frothier lather which makes it seem luxurious. 

Lavender essential oil helps relieve pain from burns and is known for its ability to help relieve both stress and anxiety. Used in excess, it is a stimulant.

© Michelle Anderson 2013-2014