3-Butter & Coffee Soaps

This soap is made of a base which contains mango butter, shea butter, and cocoa butter. The bottom layer is touched with a faint scent of lavender, while the top layer contains fragrant coffee grounds.


Do not be fooled by your imagining what that smells like together. “Lavender does not go with coffee,” you might say. I said it myself, but the proof was in the soapsuds! They go together beautifully!

The coffee grounds provide a slight smell of coffee as well as acting like a mild natural loofa. And you might have used the home remedy for removing food stains from an old sink: scrubbing them with coffee grounds.


I don’t think that describing it any more than that will be helpful. You really need to smell and use this one yourself to fully appreciate the experience!

© Michelle Anderson 2013-2014